Design and Development

Avarice progetta e sviluppa applicazioni personalizzate e offre servizi di manutenzione ai propri clienti in vari settori: ha l'esperienza e le competenze necessarie per gestire soluzioni presso aziende di grandi dimensioni ed al contempo fornisce un servizio nel tempo a prezzi competitivi


Avarice software development team's primary focus is on Microsoft technology, also thanks to experience obtained working for Microsoft. Avarice's team and its partners keep themselves informed constantly on the latest trends in the technological market so they are able to provide their clients innovative and recommend solutions.


Presentation IMAGE


  • ASP.Net Forms, ASP .Net MVC, Silverlight, Windows Azure
  • JavaScript
  • HTML 5
  • JQuery, JQuery Mobile, MooTools
  • Bootsrap
  • Zurb Foundation

Microsoft Office

  • SharePoint 2007, 2010 and 2013
  • Add-in Word
  • Add-in Excel
  • Add-in PowerPoint


  • Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
  • Windows Forms


  • Windows Phone
  • Google Android

Storage, reporting and Business Intelligence

Storage, reporting and Business Intelligence IMAGE

  • Microsoft Office Access
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2005, 2008, 2012, Express Editions
  • Microsoft SQL Azure
  • Oracle Database 10g, 11g, Express Editions

Service-oriented architecture (SOA)

Service-oriented architecture IMAGE

  • SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)
  • JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
  • Windows Communications Foundation (WCF)
  • Health Level Seven (HL7)

We hold Microsoft competencies in Application Development

Microsoft Application Development Competence

When you work with us, you have an IT partner with proven expertise: Only the top 5 percent of Microsoft partners have attained Microsoft® competencies.

What does our Microsoft competency mean for you?
By attaining a Microsoft competency, we have met extensive technology requirements and demonstrated expertise through rigorous exams, culminating in Microsoft certifications. We have also been recommended by our customers. Our skills, support, and knowledge have been tested and proven by successful implementations in specific technology areas.


Feature-driven development

Feature Driven Development is the development methodology adopted by Avarice. It is an iterative and incremental software development process. It is one of a number of agile methods for developing software and forms. FDD blends a number of industry-recognized best practices into a cohesive whole. These practices are all driven from a client-valued functionality (feature) perspective. Its main purpose is to deliver tangible, working software repeatedly in a timely manner.

The key principles of Agile modelling adopted by Avarice are:

  • Customer satisfaction by rapid delivery of useful software
  • Welcome changing requirements, even late in development
  • Working software is delivered frequently (weeks rather than months)
  • Working software is the principal measure of progress
  • Sustainable development, able to maintain a constant pace
  • Close, daily co-operation between business people and developers
  • Face-to-face conversation is the best form of communication (co-location)
  • Projects are built around motivated individuals, who should be trusted
  • Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design

Feature Driven Development describes five basic activities that are within the software development process:

  • Develop Overall Model
  • Build Feature List
  • Plan By Feature
  • Design By Feature
  • Build By Feature